Realtor Blogs
Realtor Blogs

September 2, 20233 minute read

Why Written Content Marketing is Better Than YouTube for Realtors

As a realtor, you understand the importance of marketing yourself in order to attract potential clients. In today's digital age, there are various avenues for marketing, including written content marketing (such as blogging) and video content marketing (such as YouTube). While both methods have their merits, this article aims to highlight why written content marketing is a superior choice for realtors.

1. SEO Benefits

One of the main advantages of written content marketing is its potential for search engine optimization (SEO). By consistently creating high-quality written content, realtors can improve their website's ranking in search engine results. This means that when potential clients search for real estate-related topics or services in their area, the realtor’s blog posts have a higher chance of appearing in the search results.

On the other hand, while YouTube videos can also be optimized for search engines, the competition is much fiercer. The sheer volume of video content available makes it challenging for realtors to stand out and rank higher in search results. Therefore, investing time and effort into written content marketing can provide an edge in terms of visibility.

2. Establishing Authority and Expertise

When it comes to establishing authority and expertise in the real estate industry, written content marketing has a distinct advantage. Through well-researched and informative blog posts, realtors can showcase their knowledge and experience. This establishes trust with potential clients, as they perceive the realtor as a reliable source of information.

While videos can also convey expertise, the written format allows realtors to delve deeper into topics, provide statistical data, and include references to relevant resources. This level of detail and accuracy can be more challenging to achieve in video content, where limitations such as time constraints and the need for visual engagement exist.

3. Longevity and Evergreen Content

Written content has the advantage of longevity. Once published, a blog post remains accessible and searchable indefinitely, providing ongoing value to both the realtor and potential clients. Realtors can leverage this longevity by creating evergreen content, which refers to content that remains relevant and valuable over an extended period.

In contrast, YouTube videos may become outdated as trends and market conditions change. Although videos can be edited or removed, the process is more cumbersome compared to updating a written blog post. By focusing on written content marketing, realtors can establish a library of valuable resources that continue to attract and engage potential clients for years to come.

4. Accessibility and Convenience

Consuming written content is often more accessible and convenient for potential clients compared to video content. Reading a blog post can be done at any time, on various devices, and at the reader's own pace. This flexibility allows individuals to engage with the content whenever it suits them, whether it's during a quick break at work or while commuting.

In contrast, video content requires more dedicated attention and time commitment. Potential clients may not always have the luxury of watching a full video, especially if they are in a public setting or have limited bandwidth. By providing written content, realtors can cater to a wider audience and ensure that their message reaches those who prefer consuming information through reading.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Written content marketing is generally more cost-effective compared to video content marketing. Creating written blog posts requires minimal equipment, primarily a computer and an internet connection. Realtors can produce valuable written content without the need for expensive cameras, lighting equipment, or video editing software.

In addition, maintaining a blog is often more affordable than consistently producing high-quality videos. Realtors can easily update their blog with new content without incurring significant costs. This scalability makes written content marketing an attractive option for realtors, especially those who are starting or operating on a limited budget.


While video content marketing certainly has its advantages, written content marketing, particularly through blogging, offers unique benefits for realtors. The potential for search engine optimization, the ability to establish authority and expertise, the longevity of content, accessibility for potential clients, and the cost-effectiveness make written content marketing a compelling choice.

By investing time and effort in creating valuable written content, realtors can effectively market themselves, attract potential clients, and differentiate themselves from their competition. Incorporating a well-maintained blog into their marketing strategy can yield long-term benefits and help realtors thrive in the digital landscape of the real estate industry.

Realtor Blogs
Written by Realtor Blogs

Helping realtors leverage the power of AI to create high quality, SEO optimized content in minutes.

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Realtor Blogs

Helping realtors leverage the power of AI to create high quality, SEO optimized content in minutes.